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Luis Rosa

Luis Rosa photo Luis Rosa
  • Black Belt - 2nd degree

Owner/BJJ Instructor:  Luis Rosa

Luis is a Criminal Justice professional and college professor by trade. He has over 20 years of criminal justice experience and has administered over 500 college credits. A lifelong martial artist, Luis holds a 2nd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has trained in Tae Kwon Do and boxing.  Luis prides himself on teaching and helping others. He has a love for baseball and has helped over 20 of his former Harrisburg Hornets players with commitments to play at the college level. Luis believes that education is the key to a lifetime of success and has established two scholarships, which which will be given in perpetuity. 


Luis' competitive accomplishments include:

  • 2010 NAGA Newark Men’s Gi Masters Purple Belt Middleweight Champion.

  • 2010 NAGA Newark Men’s Masters No Gi Expert Middleweight Division Bronze Medalist.

  • 2009 NAGA Virginia Masters No Gi Intermediate Lightweight Champion.

  • 2009 NAGA Virginia Masters Blue Belt Lightweight Division Bronze Medalist.

  • 2009 NAGA World’s Expert No Gi Lightweight Division Silver Medalist.

  • 2008 Red Rose Rumble Gi Beginner’s Lightweight Division Bronze Medalist.

  • 2007 RGDA International Tournament Beginner’s Lightweight Division Silver Medalist.